Game of Thrones Course

Course Description

Never before has a work of fantasy literature, with giants, wraiths and dragons been so successfully televised, attracting a far broader and more durable base of viewers than fantasy literature and films have in the past. What accounts for the success of the Game of Thrones TV series and Song of Ice and Fire books? This course examines the ways in which George R R Martin’s works draw not just on major themes in drama and literature but on key literary works and historical episodes like the Spanish Reconquista and the life of English King Richard III.

The course is not merely an analysis of Game of Thrones. Rather, it is an interdisciplinary course that uses the books and TV series as a jumping-off point for acquainting students with major episodes, issues and themes in the disciplines of Literature, Film Studies and History.

Difficulty Level

This course is an introductory course. Students require no prior knowledge or experience with the disciplines of history, literature or religious studies. Assigned reading will vary considerably by week based on the kind of material assigned; some weeks will feature reduced or no assigned reading because students will be expected to watch films or television episodes.


At the beginning of the course, students will receive a series of Dropbox links to download each of the videos and readings we will be discussing. This includes episodes of the TV series and two of the books as well as maps, book chapters, articles and other video content.

Class Schedule

We will be meeting twice a week on Zoom at 4:00pm Pacific Time, on Mondays and Thursdays. Participants will also be subscribed to a Google group and a Facebook group to carry on discussion outside of class time.  In all, the class will have thirteen episodes.

Class  Subject Optional Reading

April 16th

JRR Tolkien, the GI Bill and the misdescription of modern fantasy Parker, Hope in the Age of Nazg

April 20th

Film Adaptation: Are the two Game of Thrones series separate works of art? Kaufman/Jonze, Adaptation

Kaufman/Jonze, Being John Malkovich


April 23rd

A Brief History of Europe and the Middle East since 1000 BCE – Part I Martin, Game of Thrones, Appendix

Martin, Dance with Dragons, Appendix

Monmouth, History of the Kings of Britain, chapters 1, 2, 4

Monday, April 27th A Brief History of Europe and the Middle East since 1000 BCE

– Part II


April 30th

Literary Genre: Legacies of Romance, Patternism, Epic, Pulp and Fantasy Howard, The Hyborean Age

Howard, Frost Giant’s Daughter

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, TBA


April 4th

Building Westeros: the Medieval Heptarchies HBO, Game of Thrones 1.1

Shakespeare, Richard III, Act 1-2



May 7th

Imagining the Starks: The Wars of the Roses and Britain’s Celtic Past Shakespeare, Richard III, Act 3-5

Martin, Game of Thrones, Prologue, Bran 1, Catelyn 1-2, Eddard 1, Jon 1

Monday, May 11th Imagining King’s Landing: Florence, Contantinople and London HBO, Game of Thrones 2.9

Norwich, History of Byzantium III, TBA


May 14th

Imagining the East: Sindbad’s World and the Magian Heritage Martin, Game of Thrones, Danaerys 1-5

May 18th

The Politics of Vendetta and Hospitality: from Lot to the present TBA

May 21st

Gender and sexuality in Game of Thrones: modern or universal ideas? Martin, Game of Thrones, Arya 1-4, Sansa 1-4

May 25th

Slavery, Orientalism and the limits of George R. R. Martin’s Anthropological imagination  Martin, Dance with Dragons, Danaerys 1-6

May 28th

Material culture, science, magic and physics in Westeros  TBA


Individuals who have already paid fees for the summer intensives may convert those fees to registrations for this course. Similarly, those who have received a discount on Los Altos intensives as a Patreon benefit pay apply that to this course. Those wishing to register may register for the whole course for $150 or for as many individual classes as they wish for $12.50 a piece. Registration fees can be paid using Stripe, below, or by using our Paypal account (; Canadians can pay using Interac e-transfer to If you are not using Stripe to register, make sure your Paypal or Interac payment is accompanied by an explanatory e-mail to

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